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Project or Build Version Numbers

In Software world, every project/product release has one version number associated with it to identify on which version of code base it has.

Usually every project/product release has its version as follows.

(Major).(Minor).(Maintenance/Enhancements).(Build Number)

Major - If the release has Major changes in Project/Product then we need to increment this number by 1
Minor -   If the release has Minor changes in Project/Product then we need to increment this number by 1
Maintenance - If the release has Bug fixes or Small Enhancements then we need to increase this number by 1.

Build Number :  Every time when we deliver build (latest code) to the QA to test, then we need to increase by 1.

Partial Builds: If only some of the modules in the project modified and if those modules only delivered to QA means, it is called as partial builds. And this will be noted as build number along with alphabets.

E.G of Build Numbers.

Current Version of Project is (4 Major Releases)
If Minor Project got released in next release. then it would be

After 4.1, some bug fixes got released, then it would be 4.1.1

For doing above we have delivered 4 builds to QA before Production  release then
version would be

Final release would be 4.1.1

E.G of Partial Build Numbers:



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