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Linux Useful Commands with examples

To know the IP address
hostname -i (ip addres)
hostname -s (short name)
hostname -d (domain name)
hostname -v (host name with domain name)

To know the port number and running processes
netstat -ano | findstr 80

If the file is huge in size and to see the file content we can use
less <file name>
e.g. less service.log

Searching  matching pattern in file
grep '<matching text>' <file name>
e.g. grep 'Exception' service.log

To grep the text from .gz files
gzgrep '<matching text>' <gz file name>
e.g. gzgrep 'Exception' service.log.gz

ps -eaf | grep java
ps aus | grep java

tail -f <file Name> (auto updated last few lines)
tail -100 logfile.log  (last 100 lines)

ls -a  (hidden files)
ls -lrt (Sort the files by time stamp)

kill -9 <Process ID>   (get Process ID using ps -eaf | grep <process name>)
e.g. kill -9 30102


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