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Maven Build Life Cyles

Following are the maven build life cycles.

Clean - Removes the generated files in 'target' folder.

command : mvn clean

Validate - It validates your project and verify all the necessary information is there in project or not.

mvn  valiate

Compile - It compiles your project code.

mvn compile

Package - It takes the compiled code and packaged to JAR/WAR/EAR. It also compiles your code if your code is not compiled.

mvn package

Install -   It takes the packaged code and puts in your local maven repository (M2_HOME). It also does the compile and package if these are not already been done.

mvn install

Deploy - It takes the package and puts in remote repository for sharing accross team members or for other projects.

mvn deploy

FYI - Above commands can be used as variety of combinations.
e.g. mvn clean install
mvn clean package
mvn clean compile package install

To skip the tests to run 
mvn clean install -DskipTests


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