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Content Extracting From 'CLOB' type Columns in SQL Querries

Extracting XML node value from CLOB  column in data base.


ExtractValue(xml_fragment, xpath_expression)

Query Syntax

Select Extractvalue(XMLtype('<column name>'),'<XML node path>')
From <table list>
Where <conditions>


Select Extractvalue(Xmltype(emp_xml), '/employees/empployee/emp_number')
From employee 
where  Status='A';

Updating a XML node value from CLOB  column in data base.


UpdateXML(xml_target, xpath_expr, new_xml)

Query Syntax

Update table_name Set column_name=Updatexml(Xmltype('<column name>'),'<XML node path>','<Replacing XMLvalue'>).getclobval
From <table list>
Where <conditions>;


Initial value /employees/empployee/emp_name/text() = Bhargava

Update employe Set emp_name = Updatexml(Xmltype(emp_xml), '/employees/empployee/emp_name/text()','Bhargava Surimenu')
where  emp_no=1207;


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